Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Take a look at AAI April 5 puts. Very small premiums. AAI has made a big move up recently going up almost 100%. Any bad news in the market or with AAI will bring it back down to 4 or 3.50. Seems like a good value.

I sold my VIX calls this morning. I don't like the action on the VIX today given a market up day. We may get impacted by the uptick ruling tomorrow which will directly impact the VIX. VIX options are too risky right now.


  1. Does this mean VIX puts are in vogue? I don't like buying vix puts when they are so close to 40.

  2. I would not recommend it. Certainly can't recommend VIX calls but I am staying away from playing VIX right now until uptick ruling is flushed out. It is just a crap shoot. And again, if VIX goes down, it does not mean market will jump with it.

  3. Thank you. I am still holding 2 vix calls (April 42.5). They are underwater right now - I don't really mind since I am net long though. Still, it would be nice to sell these at a profit given the chance.

  4. i doubt the VIX will see that number in the next few days. Don't be shocked to see a VIX in the 37 range tomorrow. It is meaningless though and will give some a false sense of reality.
